Outdoor Gym

Committee: Facilities, Parks, and Recreation

Cost: $130,000

Location: A public park in Cambridge. To be determined by need and feasibility assessments.   

Short Description:  Installing outdoor workout equipment in local parks encourages people to exercise. This equipment would include pull-up and dip bars, benches, and locations for stretching. Outdoor gyms help keep Cambridge residents healthy and fit! 

Long Description:  Functional, compact, outdoor gym equipment in community parks offers the opportunity for Cambridge to provide easy access to simple and functional gym equipment across the city. Outdoor gym equipment contributes to a healthier community by promoting exercise and encouraging people to use our parks for fitness while spending more time outdoors.

Outdoor gyms are available to everyone and are especially valuable in underserved communities where people may not have access to indoor gyms. The gyms will support a healthier population by making fitness accessible and fun. This proposal will install multi-use equipment that takes up a limited space in a city park. The equipment will support multiple users at once and provide a range of exercise options.

An outdoor structure with various climbing, stretching, and other apparatuses.

A structure with bars for climbing, pull-ups, and other exercises.