Raymond Park Community Garden Improvements ($20,000)

Raymond Park

Beautify the community garden at Raymond Park through the addition of fencing, a partial retaining wall, landscaping and plantings, and furnishings.

Raymond Park is located in North Cambridge near the Porter Square train station. Raymond Park is unique in that it is within walking distance of very diverse communities, which is one of the primary reasons why the Park serves as a cultural hub where people from all different backgrounds come together to utilize the structures and space.

Community gardens represent a special type of public space where people from different backgrounds gather and work side by side to create something. However, the community garden at Raymond Park could use a facelift. Sprucing up the community garden through the addition of fencing, a partial retaining wall, landscaping and plantings, and furnishings would revitalize that area of the park and help continue to attract a diverse neighborhood crowd.
