PB4 Budget Delegates Delve Into Ideas


On Tuesday, August 8, the 2017 cadre of volunteer Budget Delegates convened at the Citywide Senior Center for Budget Delegate Orientation. 

As always, we have an awesome group of volunteers! Their job over the next few months is to research all 608 ideas submitted by community members in June and July and distill and develop them into the final 20 proposals for the PB ballot in December.


Budget Delegates will be working in the following 5 committees from August through November:

  1. Community Resources
  2. Environment
  3. Parks & Recreation
  4. Streetsmarts
  5. Youth & Technology

The Youth & Technology Committee will be based out of the Frisoli Youth Center and will be made up of high school students who will do PB proposal development work as part of a broader, structured internship program this fall.  This is the third year in which the City has incorporated a youth committee into the Budget Delegate process.

Whereas other Budget Delegates committees start their work in August and meet once a month through October, the Youth & Technology Committee will start in mid-September once the school year begins and will meet three times a week to catch up to their counterparts.

If you'd like to learn more about Budget Delegates' work and the proposal development process, please check back for more blog updates. You can also read the Budget Delegate Guide here.

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